Note that there are five types of callouts, including: note, tip, warning, caution, and important.
Tip With Caption
This is an example of a callout with a caption.
Meet Quarto
Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see
Meet the penguins
The penguins data from the palmerpenguins package contains size measurements for 344 penguins from three species observed on three islands in the Palmer Archipelago, Antarctica.
The plot below shows the relationship between flipper and bill lengths of these penguins.
ggplot(penguins, aes(x =flipper_length_mm, y =bill_length_mm))+geom_point(aes(color =species, shape =species))+scale_color_manual(values =c("darkorange","purple","cyan4"))+labs( title ="Flipper and bill length", subtitle ="Dimensions for penguins at Palmer Station LTER", x ="Flipper length (mm)", y ="Bill length (mm)", color ="Penguin species", shape ="Penguin species")+theme_minimal()
A basic scatter plot of flipper length versus bill length
Part II: Computations
This is the code from the computations
This dataset contains a subset of the fuel economy data from the EPA. Specifically, we use the mpg dataset from the ggplot2 package.
The visualization below shows a positive, strong, and linear relationship between the city and highway mileage of these cars. Additionally, mileage is higher for cars with fewer cylinders.
ggplot(mpg, aes(x =hwy, y =cty, color =cyl))+geom_point(alpha =0.5, size =2)+scale_color_viridis_c()+theme_minimal()
There are 234 observations in our data.
The average city mileage of the cars in our data is 16.86 and the average highway mileage is 23.44.
The plots in Figure Figure 1 show the relationship between city and highway mileage for 38 popular models of cars. In Figure Figure 1 (a) the points are colored by the number of cylinders while in Figure Figure 1 (b) the points are colored by engine displacement.
ggplot(mpg, aes(x =hwy, y =cty, color =cyl))+geom_point(alpha =0.5, size =2)+scale_color_viridis_c()+theme_minimal()ggplot(mpg, aes(x =hwy, y =cty, color =displ))+geom_point(alpha =0.5, size =2)+scale_color_viridis_c(option ="E")+theme_minimal()
(a) Color by number of cylinders
(b) Color by engine displacement, in liters
Figure 1: City and highway mileage for 38 popular models of cars.
Part III: Authoring
In this analysis, Authoring using housing prices, we build a model predicting sale prices of houses based on data on houses that were sold in the Duke Forest neighborhood of Durham, NC around November 2020. Let’s start by loading the packages we’ll use for the analysis.
We present the results of exploratory data analysis in Section 3.2 and the regression model in Section 3.3.
We’re going to do this analysis using literate programming [@knuth1984].
Exploratory data analysis
The data contains 98 houses. As part of the exploratory analysis let’s visualize and summarize the relationship between areas and prices of these houses.
Data visualization
Figure 2 shows two histograms displaying the distributions of price and area individually.
---title: "Quarto Tutorials"subtitle: "This is a test of quarto"description: | Recreating examples from the quarto websiteauthor: "Alex Bresler"image: ""date: "2022-05-20"touch: truetoc: truetitle-block-banner: falsehighlight-style: pygmentshtml-math-method: katexfig-align: centerformat: html: theme: litera anchor-sections: true code-fold: true code-copy: hover code-tools: true code-link: trueeditor: sourceexecute: warning: false freeze: true---# Part I: PenguinsThis is the code from the `penguins` tutorial::: callout-noteThis is a super basic intro.:::::: callout-noteNote that there are five types of callouts, including: `note`, `tip`, `warning`, `caution`, and `important`.:::::: callout-tip## Tip With CaptionThis is an example of a callout with a caption.:::::: callout-important## EMERGENCY, **AWFL** ON THE LOOSE, WRECKING AMERKWA> BAP Out:::```{r}#| label: load-packages#| include: falselibrary(tidyverse)library(palmerpenguins)```## Meet Quarto {#sec-meet-quarto}Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see <>.## Meet the penguins![]({style="float:right;" fig-alt="Illustration of three species of Palmer Archipelago penguins: Chinstrap, Gentoo, and Adelie. Artwork by @allison_horst." width="401"}The `penguins` data from the [**palmerpenguins**]( "palmerpenguins R package") package contains size measurements for `r nrow(penguins)` penguins from three species observed on three islands in the Palmer Archipelago, Antarctica.The plot below shows the relationship between flipper and bill lengths of these penguins.```{r}#| label: plot-penguins#| warning: false#| echo: true#| fig-cap: "A basic scatter plot of flipper length versus bill length"#| fig-cap-location: bottomggplot(penguins, aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = bill_length_mm)) +geom_point(aes(color = species, shape = species)) +scale_color_manual(values =c("darkorange","purple","cyan4")) +labs(title ="Flipper and bill length",subtitle ="Dimensions for penguins at Palmer Station LTER",x ="Flipper length (mm)", y ="Bill length (mm)",color ="Penguin species", shape ="Penguin species" ) +theme_minimal()```# Part II: ComputationsThis is the code from the computationsThis dataset contains a subset of the fuel economy data from the EPA. Specifically, we use the `mpg` dataset from the **ggplot2** package.```{r}#| label: load-packages-computations#| echo: falselibrary(ggplot2)```The visualization below shows a positive, strong, and linear relationship between the city and highway mileage of these cars. Additionally, mileage is higher for cars with fewer cylinders.```{r}#| label: scatterplot-mpgggplot(mpg, aes(x = hwy, y = cty, color = cyl)) +geom_point(alpha =0.5, size =2) +scale_color_viridis_c() +theme_minimal()```There are `r nrow(mpg)` observations in our data.```{r}#| echo: falsemean_cty <-round(mean(mpg$cty), 2)mean_hwy <-round(mean(mpg$hwy), 2)```The average city mileage of the cars in our data is `r mean_cty` and the average highway mileage is `r mean_hwy`.The plots in Figure @fig-mpg show the relationship between city and highway mileage for 38 popular models of cars. In Figure @fig-mpg-1 the points are colored by the number of cylinders while in Figure @fig-mpg-2 the points are colored by engine displacement.```{r}#| label: fig-mpg#| fig-cap: "City and highway mileage for 38 popular models of cars."#| fig-subcap:#| - "Color by number of cylinders"#| - "Color by engine displacement, in liters"#| layout-ncol: 2#| column: page#| cache: trueggplot(mpg, aes(x = hwy, y = cty, color = cyl)) +geom_point(alpha =0.5, size =2) +scale_color_viridis_c() +theme_minimal()ggplot(mpg, aes(x = hwy, y = cty, color = displ)) +geom_point(alpha =0.5, size =2) +scale_color_viridis_c(option ="E") +theme_minimal()```# Part III: Authoring## IntroductionIn this analysis, <a href="" target="_blank">Authoring using housing prices</a>, we build a model predicting sale prices of houses based on data on houses that were sold in the Duke Forest neighborhood of Durham, NC around November 2020. Let's start by loading the packages we'll use for the analysis.```{r}#| label: load-pkgs#| code-summary: "Packages"#| message: falselibrary(openintro) # for datalibrary(tidyverse) # for data wrangling and visualizationlibrary(knitr) # for tableslibrary(broom) # for model summary```We present the results of exploratory data analysis in @sec-eda and the regression model in @sec-model.We're going to do this analysis using literate programming [@knuth1984].## Exploratory data analysis {#sec-eda}The data contains `r nrow(duke_forest)` houses. As part of the exploratory analysis let's visualize and summarize the relationship between areas and prices of these houses.### Data visualization@fig-histogram shows two histograms displaying the distributions of `price` and `area` individually.```{r}#| label: fig-histogram#| fig-cap: "Histograms of individual variables"#| fig-subcap:#| - "Histogram of `price`s"#| - "Histogram of `area`s" #| layout-ncol: 2#| column: page-rightggplot(duke_forest, aes(x = price)) +geom_histogram(binwidth =50000) +labs(title ="Histogram of prices")ggplot(duke_forest, aes(x = area)) +geom_histogram(binwidth =250) +labs(title ="Histogram of areas")```@fig-scatterplot displays the relationship between these two variables in a scatterplot.```{r}#| label: fig-scatterplot#| fig-cap: "Scatterplot of price vs. area of houses in Duke Forest"ggplot(duke_forest, aes(x = area, y = price)) +geom_point() +labs(title ="Price and area of houses in Duke Forest")```### Summary statistics@tbl-stats displays basic summary statistics for these two variables.```{r}#| label: tbl-stats#| tbl-cap: "Summary statistics for price and area of houses in Duke Forest"duke_forest %>%summarise(`Median price`=median(price),`IQR price`=IQR(price),`Median area`=median(area),`IQR area`=IQR(area),`Correlation, r`=cor(price, area) ) %>%kable(digits =c(0, 0, 0, 0, 2))```## Modeling {#sec-model}We can fit a simple linear regression model of the form shown in @eq-slr.$$price = \hat{\beta}_0 + \hat{\beta}_1 \times area + \epsilon$$ {#eq-slr}@tbl-lm shows the regression output for this model.```{r}#| label: tbl-lm#| tbl-cap: "Linear regression model for predicting price from area"price_fit <-lm(price ~ area, data = duke_forest)price_fit %>%tidy() %>%kable(digits =c(0, 0, 2, 2, 2))```::: callout-noteThis is a pretty incomplete analysis, but hopefully the document provides a good overview of some of the authoring features of Quarto!:::## References {.unnumbered}